Montgomery, PA U.S.


EXIN BioPharma was established upon the bedrock of Exin 21, an exclusive proprietary technology that heralds a new era in protein expression and secretion. This innovative cis-regulatory motif propels the amplification and secretion of a wide array of protein variants, spanning viral, non-viral, intracellular, structural, and secretory proteins. The integration of Exin21 elicits a significant surge in protein expression and secretion, with select proteins exhibiting remarkable fold increases, reaching hundreds in some instances. Notably, the inclusion of Exin21 also bolsters the production yields of viruses and pseudotyped viruses, thereby imparting immeasurable value to the domains of gene therapy and biomedical research. Thus, Exin21 exhibits multifaceted applications in biotechnological realms, including manufacturing vaccines, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), and other biopharmaceuticals that necessitate deploying mammalian cell expression systems, both in vitro and in vivo.